The Corbeille Basket


The basket is handcrafted in Los Angeles with high-quality chrome-plated metal, which gives it a shiny, durable finish with an elegant appearance. The frame of the bag allows the interior to be removed and switched out for different colors, leathers, and shearlings. Once you have the frame, one bag can turn into as many as you like.

orders will be shipped two weeks after order is placed

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The basket is handcrafted in Los Angeles with high-quality chrome-plated metal, which gives it a shiny, durable finish with an elegant appearance. The frame of the bag allows the interior to be removed and switched out for different colors, leathers, and shearlings. Once you have the frame, one bag can turn into as many as you like.

orders will be shipped two weeks after order is placed

The basket is handcrafted in Los Angeles with high-quality chrome-plated metal, which gives it a shiny, durable finish with an elegant appearance. The frame of the bag allows the interior to be removed and switched out for different colors, leathers, and shearlings. Once you have the frame, one bag can turn into as many as you like.

orders will be shipped two weeks after order is placed